Monday, November 15, 2010

Disease and Cancer Prevention

Do you know someone who is battling cancer? Then ask God for wisdom. Educate yourself on the ailment, causes, remedies and preventative action.
Regular Medical Doctors are not nutritionists, they will tell you that, they are not trained in figuring out what foods and natural remedies help prevention. So it is up to each and every one of us to become an expert in our own bodies, family history and be responsible for researching contemporary breakthroughs.
Regular medical doctors are excellent at diagnosis, surgery and pharmaceutical prescriptions. We all know that most pharmaceutical prescriptions come with side effects, thats because they do usually contain toxins which our livers and kidneys still have to process. Even regular over the counter medicines and painkillers are toxic over the long term for our bodies.
So if you need them in an emergency fine, but if its not an emergency, then know what the natural remedies are.
Sometimes it can be as simple as being sufficiently hydrated, drinking more water, or eating a particular fruit. For example if you need an anti-inflamatory, then add tumeric and pineapple to your food.
Do the research, come up with a plan and make sure that the plan is safe for your body by discussing it with your professional healthcare provider. Whether its a nutritionist, a doctor or a naturopath.

For people who already need to address cancer, I have compiled some online resources. This is not an endorsement for any of these websites, but an opportunity to educate oneself.

This first website suggests using their remedy for immediate use while deciding on more immediate and radical therapy. and It is suppoesed to be completely harmless with no side effects, in addition, it is low cost in comparison to what is out there and it can be used in addition.
Here is also a natural protocol such as the one

Also follow this link to see more information :-

Cancer Treatment

Saturday, November 13, 2010

Education the catalyst to Stepping up into a new direction

Many people right now are seeking to go back to school for many reasons, including to change career, to get increased income, to be better at their jobs. Whatever the reason is, its always a great idea to get access to public funds when you do. There are a number of ways to do this.

Some websites are posted here to help with funding, scholarships, loan forgiveness and grants.

Title I Loan Forgiveness Program
Title I and Low Income School Search
Teach Grant Fact Sheet
Teach Grant High Needs Website
Public Service Loan Forgiveness Program
Information about Financial Aid

Sunday, October 11, 2009

The Stone Age Diet Solution

The Stone Age Diet Solution
By: Jack Prime
The dietary habits adopted by developed countries over the last centuries are largely responsible for many of the chronic diseases that are now commonplace in Western society.

Diseases such as coronary heart disease, diabetes, high blood pressure, and cancer of the colon are virtually unheard of among the few hunter-gatherer populations still remaining in the world.

The stone age diet is based on the foods that our hunter-gatherer ancestors would have eaten before they became farmers.

Even over the last fifty years, our food has drastically changed. Where once our food was made up of simple, natural foods with minimal added ingredients, our food now contains a multitude of different ingredients.

Often it can be hard to even find modern-day food that does not contain some form of milk or wheat, which are common triggers in food allergies, and this leads to people eating the same ingredients every day and often at every single meal.

The stone age diet is nutritionally balanced and a very low allergen diet ideal for people who suffer from food allergies or food related ailments.

The foods you can eat on the stone age diet should be from natural sources and include items such as fruit (except citrus), fresh fruit juices (except citrus), all game and fish, free-range eggs, all vegetables, fresh vegetable juices, fresh nuts (except peanuts), herb teas, natural seasonings (salt, black pepper, herbs) and bottled or filtered water.

The foods you must avoid on the stone age diet are milk in all forms, milk products, cereals and their related products, any form of sugar, domesticated animal meat (meat from pigs, cows, sheep etc.), chicken, eggs (unless free-range), citrus fruit, alcohol, coffee, tea and all manufactured foods such as canned, packaged, bottled foods and ready-meals, processed meat or fish, chocolate and cocoa products, spices and tap water.

The above list may seem restrictive but you will find your health and well-being dramatically improves just be removing the foods to avoid from your diet.

There are also some exceptions which you are allowed to eat on the stone age diet which do fit in with our modern lives and dietary practices. Live low-fat yoghurt in moderation is a good addition to the diet and some grains which are well tolerated, even by those with a food allergy, are rice and millet.

If alcohol needs to be consumed (perhaps you're at a wedding or celebration) then a small amount of dry white wine or real ale can be taken.

The stone age diet is based on natural, nutritionally rich foods and following the dietary habits it provides will ensure you reap the benefits and achieve a strong, fit and healthy body.

Author Bio
For further advice on natural foods and diets, visit Food Advice and Support

For food allergy treatment, advice and common trigger foods visit the Help for Food Allergy website (

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Omega 3 Fish Oil and Weight Loss

Omega 3 Fish Oil and Weight Loss
By: David McEvoy

A lot of people still don't know there are fat burning foods that can actually increase the number of fat calories your body burns each day? These are known as free foods and are generally low in calories; in fact some of these foods are so low in calories that your body actually burns more calories metabolising them, than the total amount of calories in the food it's self.

Although fat burning foods are important for anyone who wants to lose weight and keep it off for good, they're vital if you're one of these people who find it hard to lose weight. No matter how much exercise you do or how hard you diet, your genetics and metabolic make up play a vital role in determining how fast and how much weight you lose.

Genetic differences also affect how much weight you gain when you eat too much. One study of 12 groups of identical twins was overfed for 100 days. One set of twins gained 29 pounds. A second set, however, gained only 13 pounds even though both sets of twins were overfed with the same number of calories. Of course, fat burning foods won't compensate entirely for genetic differences this ultimately comes down to a balanced calorie controlled eating regime and excersie. They will however make fighting fat a lot easier in the long run.

Types of fat
There are two types of fat "good fat" and "bad fat"

Actually there are 4 types of fat: Monounsaturated, Polyunsaturated, Saturated and Tran's fat, but they can still be catorigised as good and bad.

Monounsaturated (good fats)
Monounsaturated fats are considered good fats and are said to help reduce cholesterol, triglycerides, and blood pressure and to help control diabetes.

These good fats are found in food like; olive oil, peanut oil, cashews, canola oil, hazelnuts, peanuts, macadamia nuts, pistachios, pine nuts and chicken fat.

Polyunsaturated (good fats) omega 3 and omega 6
Polyunsaturated fats are also considered good fats and are said to reduce triglycerides, inflammations and tumour growth. They also help to improve immune function and help protect against sudden death from heart disease.

Polyunsaturated fats can be broken down into two categories: Omega 3 and Omega 6

Omega 3 is found in foods like Canola oil, walnuts, flaxseeds, hempseeds, salmon, mackerel, trout, tuna, sardines, and herring.

Omega 6 is found in foods like safflower oil, sunflower oil, sesame oil, nuts, beans and soft margarine.

Saturated (bad fats)
Saturated fats are bad fats; they raise cholesterol and increase the risk of heart disease and stroke. In fact they are twice as potent at raising your bad cholesterol levels as polyunsaturated fats are at lowering them. It is difficult to eliminate these fats from your diet but one way to reduce them is to choose fat free milk and other dairy products.

Saturated fats can be found in foods such as meats, whole milk, cheese, palm and coconut oil.

Trans (bad fats)
Tran's fats are the ugly fats; they raise bad cholesterol (LDL) and lower good cholesterol (HDL). They increase the risk of heart disease and stroke.Tran's fats can be found in foods like crackers, cookies, cakes, shortening, margarine, hydrogenated oils and vegetable oils that have been subjected to heat-damage during cooking.

Omega 3 fish oil and weight loss
A recent study that was published in the international journal of obesity, researchers want to find out if by supplementing the diet with omega 3 fish oil (good fat) would increase the number of fat calories burned in a single day.

The two groups were fed exactly the same diet apart from one group were fed 6 grams of fat in the form of butter, olive oil, sunflower oil and peanut oil, the other group were given 6 grams of omega 3 fish oil.The fish oil group were given 8 capsules per day, 2 in the morning, 3 at lunch and 3 in the evening.

The Total daily intake of omega 3 long chain fatty acids was 1.8 grams. The outcome of the test results were fairly conclusive.

The table below shows you the changes in fat oxidation, body fat, and metabolic rate after three weeks for the groups with or without fish oil

With fish oilWithout fish oil
Measurement of body fat-2 pounds-0.7 pounds
Measurement of daily metabolic rate1775 calories1710 calories

These results show that the group who were supplementing with fish oil burned about 1.1 milligram of fat per kilo per minute. This is roughly 26% higher than the other group who weren't supplementing with the fish oil.

One of the key reasons as to why omega 3 fish oil has such a powerful effect on fat metabolism is that the insulin levels were 50% lower when subjects used the fish oil. Insulin is a hormone that reduces the use of fat for fuel, while also promoting fat storage in the presence of excess calories.

Insulin increases the activity of an enzyme known to promote the storage of fat.

Insulin inhibits the action of hormone sensitive lipase, which is responsible for breaking down stored fat and preparing it for use as energy.

Insulin also activates an enzyme, which, along with fatty acid synthesis, is responsible for converting carbohydrate into fat.

Simply put, high levels of insulin make it less likely that your body will use stored fat as a fuel source. The drop in insulin levels when subjects used the fish oil would have allowed more fat to be used for energy.

Any good doctor or nutritionist will tell you that the best way to get any nutrient is to eat a very balanced diet. In the case of Omega 3 oil this would be in the form of fish, sadly due to the pollution levels found in our oceans today eating large portions of fish every day is not advisable.The frustrating truth is that there will never be an easy quick-fix method of losing weight that is safe and simple. However, with a little research into the workings of the body, it becomes clear that there are many small things you can do which add up over time to aid weight loss and make you feel better about yourself. Taking a fish oil supplement is a good idea for anyone wanting to make positive steps towards weight loss.

Author Bio
Dave Mcevoy is an award winning personal trainer with over 20 years experience, he also runs a high quality health supplement website.

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Assumption, Assuming a Mortgage

Assumption, Assuming a Mortgage
By: Jennifer Hershey
An assumption is the agreement between the buyer and the seller where the buyer takes over the payments on an existing mortgage from the seller. Assuming a mortgage can usually save the buyer money since this is an existing mortgage debt, unlike a new mortgage where closing costs and new, probably higher, market rate interest charges will apply.

This type of mortgage scenario might just be a nice fit for someone who is looking to save money on closing costs and assume a low interest rate.

Another benefit associated with assuming a mortgage is that a portion of the mortgage has already been paid by the seller. Also, there is little doubt that the house has appreciated since the seller purchased the house, so the mortgage you assume will be less than the actual value of the home.

The assumption of a mortgage loan can be tricky, and is not without all of the paper work that accompanies traditional mortgages. So be sure to consult the appropriate parties such as a real estate lawyer or realtor to help point you in the right direction.

Without a doubt, the number one benefit to an assumption is the money saved in closing costs. So if this sounds like a fit to you, than it is definitely worth the time you take to research it.

Author Bio
Jennifer Hershey has more than twenty years of experience in the Mortgage Industry as a loan officer. She is the owner of, a mortgage resource site devoted to making mortgage terms and products easy to understand.

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Real Estate Investing -- Motivated Buyer?

Real Estate Investing -- Motivated Buyer?
By: Mike Burke
What's the first image that comes to mind when you hear the term -- motivated seller?

You probably think of someone who is desperate to sell his property, as quickly as possible, for well below the market price - right?

Well, sometimes that's true but often it's not.

There are many reasons, other than desperation, that motivate a person to put their property on the market.

Maybe needed repairs are too costly for the property owner or perhaps the owner is relocating to a different area. Maybe the owner, for various reasons, is trying to avoid the pressure of waiting to the last minute to sell his property so time isn't always a consideration.

Whatever the reason a motivated seller puts his property on the market, the opportunity to make a better than average deal is greatly increased and that means more profit for you.

It's important to remember however, no matter how motivated a seller is, nobody wants to give away the farm (so to speak). A house represents a great deal of money and there will be limitations on how far a seller is willing to go to sell his property.

Enter the motivated buyer!

A motivated buyer is, first and foremost, a salesman and his product is himself. A seller needs to know that he's dealing with someone who is knowledgeable, that has a creative solution to his Real Estate problem and, more importantly, that he's dealing with someone that can be
trusted (and, of course, you can be trusted).

Creating an emotional connection with the seller will get you through the front door far easier than spouting off a flood of meaningless facts and figures. He's really not interested that you know 50 different ways to buy a house. He's interested in you as a reliable Real Estate expert and how you can satisfy HIS needs right now.

Makes sense, right?

A motivated seller doesn't need to seek out buyers. If a seller is willing to offer his property at a better than market value price, buyers will find him. What he does need to know is that he's dealing with a Real Estate professional -- someone he can trust, someone who understands his position and someone who will make him an attractive and fair offer.

Your greatest assets as a motivated buyer are to be able to understand the seller's needs, have viable and yet profitable solutions to his needs and to have the ability to instill the seller's trust in you as a Real Estate expert -- a win, win situation.

Happy investing from The LearnTo Center.

Author Bio
Mike Burke is the author of numerous articles and has an affection for investing in Real Estate. You can start to invest in Real Estate with only a few bucks and the desire to make lots of money. For more Real Estate investing tips and information visit

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7 Simple Steps To Real Estate Investing

7 Simple Steps To Real Estate Investing
By: Heather Seitz
Whether you are BRAND NEW to real estate investing or an expert in the game, it's critical that you understand these 7 Simple Steps to real estate investing.

First things first...

Real Estate is NOT a get rich quick scheme. However, if you learn the foundations and put them into practice, you will make more than enough money to realize any and all of your dreams and goals.
The real estate bubble is not going to burst! The real estate market will, however, shift and the real estate market will change - just as it always has! What's "hot" now may turn ice cold in the next 3 years (or perhaps even 3 months). But, there are ways to "bubble proof" your real estate investments. It's actually quite simple.

Did you know that in the United States, in 1975, the median home price was $33,300? In 2005, the median home price was $195,000. Historically, the average home doubled every 7 years. If you do the math, it should be well over $200,000.

OK... Now, having said that... The real estate market WILL change and what is "working" today in real estate may not in the future. The rental market was strong a decade ago, but has been soft in recent years. We are getting ready for a turn once again.

Real Estate IS a cycle, and cycles have some degree of predictability. With predictability, you can grow your real estate business into a cash-producing, profit-pulling machine that runs itself WITH the changing real estate market trends. It is still possible to make money in real estate. In fact, now is just as good a time as any to get started in real estate investing.

But, you've got to make wise investments. Sure, you may make some SERIOUS cash in pre-construction, but what happens if (no, not if - when) the market shifts and there are suddenly 35 identical properties on the market for sale in the same building? How long can you afford to carry a negative cash flow on the property?

Or how about taking over property 'subject to'? Sure, it's a great strategy and lenders may be inclined to turn the other way and not exercise the "due on sale" clause as long as the interest rates are at rock bottom prices (You know, those sellers that you're usually taking property subject to from usually don't have the lowest interest rates, right?) If the interest rates spike to 10-11%, don't you think lenders might be MUCH MORE inclined to exercise their option to make you pay off the 6.5% note?

What this means is simply that you must be experienced in the basics - the tried and true techniques, strategies and systems that have worked in the past, are STILL working and will work in the future. You've got to have all the tools in your bag so that you can go with the flow and not be affected when real estate markets begin to shift (which they are already in the process of doing, in case you've missed that memo!

Step #1 - Set your plan:
Figure out what your long term real estate goals are (aka retirement and wealth building) and figure out what your short term needs are with regard to making money in real estate. Then, set up the proper entities and put the plan in place.

Step #2 - Determine what your target market will be:
You cannot be all things to all real estate markets. If foreclosures appeal to you, start investing in the foreclosure market. If you want to be a landlord, look to out of state owners to focus your real estate marketing efforts.

Step #3 - Be consistent and persistent:
Real Estate is not a get rich quick scheme. Real Estate is get wealthy over time and put some quick cash in your pocket today. You've got to follow your plan and stick with it to see real results in real estate. You've also got to continue to increase your education and your experience.

Step #4 - Don't fall into the "Analysis Paralysis":
Learn to analyze properties quickly. Don't get caught up overthinking. It's quite simple actually: What's the property worth? What does the property need for repairs? And how much can you get the property for? It all comes down to numbers!

Step #5 - Become a master of finance!:
Real estate is the business of marketing and finance. You must learn about mortgages and interest rates and loan programs that are out there. You must know how to use finance to negotiate your deals and to sell your properties.

Step #6 - Become a skilled problem solver:
The reason you will get real estate deals that others don't, is because you are able to solve people's problems. Anything goes on the real estate playing field. You've got to be ready!

Step #7 - You must continue your education:
It is important that you are always investing in your education and learning new tactics, strategies and tips that will help you make more in real estate.

If you enjoyed this article, make sure to look up the other articles discussing The 7 Simple Steps To Making Money on Real Estate. The next article discusses Step #1 - set your plan in further detail!

Author Bio
The Next Level Institute is dedicated to helping real estate investors - whether a brand new or a seasoned investor - become more successful with less effort. Get your free 4-part mini-course on finding deals AND learn the 7 keys to sucking in the deals faster than a "Hoover" vacuum! Get your free e-book at:

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