Monday, November 15, 2010

Disease and Cancer Prevention

Do you know someone who is battling cancer? Then ask God for wisdom. Educate yourself on the ailment, causes, remedies and preventative action.
Regular Medical Doctors are not nutritionists, they will tell you that, they are not trained in figuring out what foods and natural remedies help prevention. So it is up to each and every one of us to become an expert in our own bodies, family history and be responsible for researching contemporary breakthroughs.
Regular medical doctors are excellent at diagnosis, surgery and pharmaceutical prescriptions. We all know that most pharmaceutical prescriptions come with side effects, thats because they do usually contain toxins which our livers and kidneys still have to process. Even regular over the counter medicines and painkillers are toxic over the long term for our bodies.
So if you need them in an emergency fine, but if its not an emergency, then know what the natural remedies are.
Sometimes it can be as simple as being sufficiently hydrated, drinking more water, or eating a particular fruit. For example if you need an anti-inflamatory, then add tumeric and pineapple to your food.
Do the research, come up with a plan and make sure that the plan is safe for your body by discussing it with your professional healthcare provider. Whether its a nutritionist, a doctor or a naturopath.

For people who already need to address cancer, I have compiled some online resources. This is not an endorsement for any of these websites, but an opportunity to educate oneself.

This first website suggests using their remedy for immediate use while deciding on more immediate and radical therapy. and It is suppoesed to be completely harmless with no side effects, in addition, it is low cost in comparison to what is out there and it can be used in addition.
Here is also a natural protocol such as the one

Also follow this link to see more information :-

Cancer Treatment

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